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Sunday Morning Worship - 9:30 am, in person & on Zoom
Our 9:30 am service follows the traditional pattern of Christian worship in the Lutheran tradition. We gather to praise God, hear God’s word, share in the Lord’s Supper, and be sent out into the world refreshed and ready to witness to the love of God. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
Children's Church - Sundays at 9:30 am, in person only
Children's Church (a.k.a. Sunday School) is offered during our 9:30 am worship service. Children begin the service in the sanctuary with their families, and they are led to their classrooms after the opening announcements. Children worshipping at home may join via Zoom. Young visitors are very welcome to attend Children's Church (parents invited as well)!
Nursery - Sundays at 9:30 am
Our nursery is open for use by parents and their young children. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Children in Worship - Sundays at 9:30 am
Children of all ages who choose not to attend Children's Church are very welcome to join the congregation in worship! Our “pray-ground” offers children the opportunity to engage in quiet activities as needed throughout the service. Items from the pray-ground may also be taken to the pews and returned at the end of the service.
Service Sundays
Join us as we gather for an innovative style of worship where we work on a service project during the regular worship time. We gather to sing hymns, share communion, and use our hands to care for the world around us. Service Sundays happen monthly, and the dates are published in the calendar. All are welcome!
Handicapped-accessible Lift
Handicapped-accessible Washrooms
Gender-neutral Washrooms
Large-print Bulletins
Hearing Loop Equipped
St. John’s is committed to welcoming and celebrating all people in loving God and one another. We believe you are a unique and beloved child of God. We welcome people of all races, cultures, ethnicities, ages, gender expressions, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic positions, family structures, backgrounds, or wherever you are in your faith journey. We commit ourselves to be welcoming to all through discernment and anti-racism work. We invite you to share your input in this lifelong journey. We hope you will join us as we seek God’s grace and joyfully and inclusively love and serve our community.