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St. John’s is part of the ELCA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are a progressive and socially active community that seeks to share God's grace witho our neighbors.
We seek to live out this broad and inclusive welcome in our worship. Communion is offered every week along with the invitation that whoever you are or wherever you are on the journey of faith, you are welcome to come forward to receive the bread and the wine, the body and blood of Christ our Lord. At St. John’s, the Lord’s table is open to all believers. You don’t have to be Lutheran to receive communion. You need only accept Christ's gracious invitation.
As Lutherans, we believe in the Triune God. God created and loves all of creation -- the earth and the seas and all of the world’s inhabitants.
We believe that God's Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God's Spirit is active in the world. We are part of God’s unfolding plan. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere. When we study the Bible or hear God’s word in worship, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story.
St. John's is also a Reconciling in Christ congregation (RIC), a group of Lutherans committed to the total inclusion of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, BIPOC, and their allies.
Click here to learn more about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
St. John’s is committed to welcoming and celebrating all people in loving God and one another. We believe you are a unique and beloved child of God. We welcome people of all races, cultures, ethnicities, ages, gender expressions, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic positions, family structures, backgrounds, or wherever you are in your faith journey. We commit ourselves to be welcoming to all through discernment and anti-racism work. We invite you to share your input in this lifelong journey. We hope you will join us as we seek God’s grace and joyfully and inclusively love and serve our community.
OUR VISION: A community actively participating in God's love and justice.
OUR MISSION: Transforming lives through connection, worship, education, and meaningful action in our community.
WE VALUE GRACE: God’s love is unconditional, unmerited, and unshakable.
We seek to meet people wherever they are on their spiritual journeys. Everyone is invited to join us, without judgment or prejudice.
WE VALUE EACH OTHER: Valuing others means seeing differences as something positive. We know that we are stronger together, so we make time to connect and care for each other, laugh and celebrate together, and learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives.
WE VALUE ACTION: Love and justice are fostered through relationship and understanding. God’s liberating love frees us to develop new connections
and collectively work for the flourishing of all people.
WE VALUE GRATITUDE: Mindful reflection on what we are thankful for is life-changing. We train our hearts to look for God’s grace in our everyday lives, which allows peace, joy, faith, and meaning to grow.